I had such a great day today! I finally got to meet my ultimate design hero - Thomas O'Brien! YIPPEE!!!!! He was in Portland yesterday and today for a series of lectures about his work and his product lines. I just picked up the Visual Comfort line of lighting for my shop and clients - and his lighting is my favorite - vintage modern and always perfect! I am getting his tension pole lamp in black for my own home - can't wait! I have been watching his work in the magazines for the last several years and I think he has such a clean and simple style. Usually I like alot more color abut there is something about his stuff I cannot put a finger on - it just really appeals to me. Anyhoo........I love these kinds of photos - and he was kind enough to indulge me!...And I love his Clark Kent-ish-ness!

This is a picture of a client's project underway - our last post on this project only included the dining chairs and the new draperies, but now we have the lovely buffet by
Patagonia Trading Company and the cool lamps by
Barbara Cosgrove...all we need now is art! I think this project looks beautiful!
Also included are a super cute new pair of shoes I found at the super cute shoe shop Switch in the Multnomah Village area. You should really check them out - and they are sooo nice - they even sent me a thank you note for shopping there....hmmmmmmmmm..note to self!

It is going to be an amazing Memorial Day weekend in Portland - mid 80's all three days - amazing! I will be working in my front yard getting ready for a photo shoot next weekend for MIX magazine - their feature - Friday Night Dinner Party - will be about outdoor entertaining and in my garden! YAHOO! I've rounded up a ton of new plants to put in from Xera plants mostly Mediterranean and drought tolerant.
One of my favorite plants going in the ground this weekend is Zauschneria Californica ‘Calistoga’ Zn7b (5º to 10ºF) Here is the description from the nursery: One of the very Best California Fuchsia, this variety may actually be a hybrid. Leaves are thicker than normal and very gray and very wooly. Flowers are the closest to true red that we have ever seen on a Zauschneria (and we’ve seen a LOT). Low spreading plant to only 1’ tall and up to 2’ wide. Blooms begin in late July and continue unabated until early autumn. Full sun, well drained soil. Water during its first season in the ground, after that it should be fine. GREAT ON SLOPES. Hillsides where you find Zauschneria in the wild are where they should be planted in a garden. On an incline they will live for YEARS, on level ground. They can be very temporary. Cut back in mid-spring AFTER all danger of frost has passed.

Truly one of my favorite plants (You should see the color of the flower!) - I have it in several forms in my back and side yards and now I am putting 5 plants in the front to tumble over my retaining walls with some evergreen ornamental grasses and some yellow/green variegated, white flowering sedum - super cool! Oh yea, I am also putting in (finally) the new varieties of Echinacea this year - Tomato Soup and Mac n Cheese - a totally red flower and a totally yellow flower - yummy! I'll take pictures and put them up next week - along with the progress on my new back fence - so cool!
OK THEN.....that is it for now......have a good weekend!
Pretty cool stuff, I saw this site with some useful info on antique dining chairs. I hope it helps you.